Today all knowledge is available in the palm of our hand,what we do with this power is up to us. We spend hours on the internet surfing through random articles, social media websites and at the end of it we haven’t done anything productive.The following websites will help you spend your time wisely when you’re bored. Although each site will not appeal to everyone, I believe you’ll find at least a couple that will help you learn, grow, and actually improve your life. Enjoy!
- website provides outstanding articles on innovation, technology, economics, leadership and design.
- Its never too late to improve your vocabulary with fun activities. Check out this option which allows you to learn new words as you play The Challenge. Any word you miss, add them to a list and learn them.
- Provides scientifically designed tests to challenge your brain.The tests are fun and creative.The site allows you to improve your attention, problem solving skills, speed and memory recall.
- This is a great site to check out some real college lectures that will keep you up to date on everything happening in your industry.
- HowStuffWorks: This is an amazing site if you a curious person and you want to know how things actually work. A subsidiary of Discovery Communications, Howstuffworks offers you easy to understand facts, right from how engines work to formation of stem cells.
- TED: This website provides videos of some great doers and thinkers who are asked to deliver videos in approx 20 mins. This is the right place for inspiration.
- Goodreads: If you’re a bookish then visit this world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. You can build your virtual bookshelf here.
- HowToDoThings:A website that provides tutorials with step by step Instructions.
- Duolingo: They offer FREE language education to people all over the world. Basically, they’ll teach you a language in exchange for some translations. If you want to learn a new language this website is a great start.
- LearnXinYminutes:Want to learn programming?This website helps you learn programming languages.
- Instructables: Love creating things on your own and you are at the right place with Instructables offering very well described, step-by-step articles on creating things like making a 3D art or repairing torn clothes. If you are a do-it-yourself person, then spend sometime at Instructables.
- Redhoop:Want to choose from the best online courses?This is the site which helps Search through top online courses in Khanacademy, Coursera, Udacity and others.
- is an amazing site that teaches you how to play the guitar for free.This includes video’s, mp3and audiobooks.
- Sanjeevkapoor: This is a website for Indian Food lovers, by the best and renowned Indian chef Sanjeev Kapoor. You get to see great Indian recipes, video cooking tutorials, and some great kitchen tips on this website.
- Hackerearth and Hackerrank:This is the right place to be if you want to improve your coding skills and also helpful for seeking jobs.They are a universe in itself.
- a website for meditation or just relaxing music leaving a soothing relief for all circumstances.
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