Gujarat Other


Top 5 Fairs held in Gujarat

Fair or commonly known as carnival, provides such a jolly experience to all age groups. Almost all fairs have rides, food, and shopping. Each year various kinds of fairs are held all over the world....

Happy Father's Day 0

A Letter to father from son on Father’s day

Dear Papa, Greetings! Entire world celebrates the 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s day, so do I. but one thing I didn’t understand why there should be only one day for father to be remember...

Gujarati Voice Recognition Software 0

Gujarati Speech Recognition Software for Dictation

There are various speech to text software available for English language but it is difficult to find a software which converts spoken words in Gujarati language to text. After researching a lot, we have found...

Gujarat Election Live Results 2

Gujarat Election 2017 Live Results and Prediction

During the civil war in America, its president Mr. Abraham Lincoln once said about democracy, “in ideal democracy there should be a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” In accordance...