Everything for you in Gujarat.

Air Show in Ahmedabad 0

Air Show by Gujarat Aero Conclave in Ahmedabad

A three day Air show has been organized in Ahmedabad from 2nd April to 4th April. The show has been conducted by Gujarat Aero Conclave. The four day event was inaugurated by Our Honorable Chief...

Famous Gujarati People 10

25 Most Famous Gujarati People

Famous personalities have a huge impact on upcoming generation. Today’s youth follow them and get inspired from them. These famous personalities also become one of the key factors in selecting their profession. Their role model’s...

Alphonso Mango 4

Mango varieties available in Gujarat

MANGO, the word itself keeps us tempting. With the onset of the summer season itself, kids start demanding for ripe and juicy mangoes. Not just kids but everyone loves to relish mangoes. It’s the “King...

Surti Locho 3

Top 10 Gujarati Food Dishes

Indian Cuisine is one of the most talked about cuisines worldwide. Even today Indians are acknowledged for the discovery of all the spices. After Punjabi and South Indian Food, Gujarati food is the most popular...

Medical Tourism in Gujarat 1

Medical Tourism in Gujarat

Medical and Tourism are the two important aspects of human beings. Medical treatment helps us for the management and care of ourselves to combat any disease or disorder that has occurred in our body and...