Top Villages in Gujarat

“Not all glamour lies in Urbanization”

This quote rightfully suits the villages of Gujarat. People when shifting to villages somehow feel a bit perplexed on their decision and judge their situation twice. It feels difficult to juxtapose city life to the village. But village life is almost the same as city life, if not better. Nowadays, people spend money on making all things look extravagant to such an extent that their cost of living automatically gravitate towards the locales abroad. But not every place needs fancy destinations to vouch for, right?

Gujarat, the state that lies towards the western end of India, proliferates with villages that are livelier than the city lights. Such places not only make a dramatic impact on the travel itinerary but also give an insight into life in the countryside. So why should you prefer villages over towns or better, cities?

Why villages over cities?

  • Pollution Free Environment couches not only for a better lifestyle but also for a disease-free one. The lesser the population, the safer the place is.
  • Cost of Living is extremely low in villages. It’s like you get a better quality of life at less than half the price of the cities.
  • Better Social Life for those who believe in human contact over virtual ones. Having less population, people usually prefer having a well-knit group rather than a virtual one at WhatsApp.
  • Starting a small business? Might as well start from the very square one in villages. Usually, villages have a better market that will tailor perfectly to your needs.
  • Nature lover’s Paradise a.k.a the villages cater to each of your needs. Nature? Check. Trees and picturesque views to de-stress? Check. Calm and serenity for sole soul time? Check.
  • Hassle-free living is guaranteed for anyone shifting to villages, or even visiting it for a few days!
  • Closer to your roots and maybe who knows, to your legacy too?

The villages in Gujarat provide a close-up to radiant cultures that are shielded away from the limelight thus giving them the recognition they deserveUnbeknownst to everyone, this place has a spectacular number of villages that look more promising than the city-bound destinationsHere are the top villages in Gujarat you should definitely opt for a bit of a change in your lifestyle!

Khavda Village, Kutch

Looking up to this village, the first image that pops up in your mind will be a drought-stricken deserted land right? Well then, welcome to this place for a 180-degree change in your vision! The place is best known for its handicrafts and craft. This village is home to many craftsmen whose livelihood depends on keeping the heritage of this tradition alive. This ubiquitous place is the real treat for eyes and mind.

Hodka Village, Kutch

The specialty of this village is the quaint roofs of the place that serve as a hometown for various artisans. This place is known for its Bandhni work, patchwork, home furnishings, apparel, and jewelry work. Hence if you’re looking for a work blooming in this industry, your pieces will be quite laudable here. Usually, people prefer buying a property in villages, however, rent starts from as low as 2000 INR. Transportation is usually via motorbikes or cycles, although an occasional camel ride may serve as the cherry on the top.

Madhapur Village, Porbandar

Going a little detour from the entire Kutch district, Porbandar district features many villages too! The scenic view of Madhapur is like no other. The scenic beauty welcomes you as you lay your eyes on this beautiful land of perfection. In fact, the sand and coconut trees border the coastline. This is punctuated with fertile agricultural land that gives you the freshness of the seas, with a twist. The villages light up during festivals. This beachside beauty has a perfect amalgamation of spirituality and natural beauty, making it one of the top villages in Gujarat.

Ajrakhpur Village, Kutch

This is quite an offbeat land of Kutch and will definitely give you the road-not-traveled vibes! Although Gujarat is famous for many things, the range of handicrafts sure beats any other state. There are a story and a style behind each of the handicrafts.  The village is home to the traditional Ajrakh block printing style.  Villagers spend their primary living on keeping this history alive. A lifetime experience to unveil in the land of vibrant Gujarat.

Baladia Village

This place is located in Bhuj Tehsil of Kachchh district in Gujarat, India. There are plenty of public and private buses available inside the village itself. However, rail transporters have to go nearly 10 kilometers out of the village to enjoy its facilities. The place is known for being one of the dozen wealthy Patel villages in and out of Bhuj.

Punsari Village

Punsari is also termed as the “model village” as it promotes rurban living ( an amalgamation of rural and urban living merged into one.  It has round-the-clock, uninterrupted water and electricity supplies – something that is rare in hundreds of thousands of Indian villages. Himanshu Patel, the place’s young headman proudly states that his village offers “the amenities of a city but the spirit of a village”. It has round-the-clock, uninterrupted water and electricity supplies – something that is rare in hundreds of thousands of Indian villages.

Baben Village

This place is located around 35 km from Surat city. It is better known for its typifying development. The villagers enjoy all the facilities that one living in the city does. The 2-km road from Bardoli to Baben gives a commuter the feeling of passing through a highway. This is because the village is well lit with street lights. Moreover, the road is wide enough ( nearly 12 m) giving enough space for bypasses. The village also has a degree and diploma engineering college, a school, and many restaurants.

Dharmaj Village

Also known as India’s richest village, this industrial-cum-agricultural village is on its way to coin the “town” surname to its name. Tobacco is the main crop here.  Dharmaj has such a facility in the form of Vipasssansa Dhyan Kendra (Meditation Centre) that extracts the peace of mind through meditation. There are many schools and institutions here too. The place is known for its fertility.


In a nutshell, it is the best way to reconnect with yourselves by imbibing certain art forms that have been a part of the nation for so long. The winding roads may not lead to exotic locales but will candidly make one check out the authentic rustic charm.

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